Tuesday, March 30, 2010

For Jeremiah's (Overdue) Second Quarter Report....

Just lists for each month of the second quarter, with things Jeremiah's done that I actually documented in words or pictures....

November 2009

playground*pussy willows* soccer*fractions*learning DS technology*Pokemon*Curious George*installation of new washing machine*
Word Girl*fire safety*inventing*Popsicle stick art*leaf play*leaf study* raking*backhoe exploration*watching progress of new credit union construction*Chuck E. Cheese*banking*budgeting*physics-related video games(lines and angles)*designed custom headphones*battlefield building games*mythology*talk about time travel*cooking*concocting*
observing egg contents*pattern block art*Lego building and inventing*
The Wizard of Oz*cantilevering*Mentos and Coke experiment*Bakugan play*Brick tile and wood block building*rock study*
train track building*tornadoes*retro video games*magnet exploration

December 2009

dramatic play with Annalise*magnet exploration*Time Warp Trio books*
obstacle course*Victorian Street Walk*mounting block*Architecture(Batchelor Inn, other Saratoga Springs locations)*lawn jockeys*traffic safety*
Saratoga street sculptures*cave paintings*4H gingerbread house exhibit*sculpture and paintings in the Saratoga Art Center lobby*glass piano*comedy*photography*glass art display*DVD player technology*
sugar cookie baking*window shopping*mummers*live reindeer*hitching posts*dog breeds*dog safety*street musicians*Quick Response Christmas Party*solar system*search engines*cooking* electrical experimentation*
electrical safety

January 2010

bubble play*posing for pictures*Animal Crossing*fire safety*
squeezing orange juice with juicer*knife and blade safety*Hinduism*
furniture redecoration*charging rechargable batteries*food choices*
taking down Christmas tree (artificial)*Australian electrical plug*
universal adapter*fort building*dry food goods play*flashlight play*exploring foreign coins (franc, yen, Irish pence)*rock and fossil exploration*Martin Luther King,Jr.*black widow spiders*action figure play

I love these lists of seemingly random activities, all done as a part of living our day-to-day lives. I love the memories they evoke, not of items checked off a curriculum, but of those moments when Jeremiah has staggered me with what he knows, just through living his passions. (To be fair, Annalise has many of these moments, too; but I don't need to do reporting for her until next year. ). There are also those moments that we shared together, exploring, playing, talking, tickling, snuggling, driving...

To me, the pictures and blogposts and memories of our unfettered, freeform days and nights are documentation enough, if I needed any beyond this thoughtful and engaged and thoroughly delightful person I get to share my life with.

But I live in New York, and so, to comply with state law, I'll next put this into educationalese....but not tonight. I have a headache.

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