Thursday, September 10, 2009

More from the Children's Museum...8/24 and 9/3, 2009

Just a quick photographic wrapping-up of Annalise's playdate, then Jeremiah's post-birthday trip with his little sister getting to show him around...

I'm learning to use Photobucket slideshows, and somehow managed to put some pictures permanently in the, if anyone has ideas on how to get it only in this post, I'm a bit flummoxed, at the moment...but I do love the slideshow for uncluttering the posts...

Somehow, I wasn't able to just post these pictures. But at least they are here, and I get a chance to learn something new...

And now the record of Jeremiah at the museum...which also is not posting, at the moment, although it did two nights ago...

There!  Not the ideal way to share, but at least they're here...I suspect it's a temporary Blogger issue, as i was able to post to my Facebook account without trouble.  If so, I will replace these links with something more visually appealing....

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