Saturday, May 30, 2009

Six Years Later.....

This blog has been rescued from the orphanage, so to speak, and, over the next days, weeks, or whatever, I hope it will become what I've always longed for...a forum where I can speak freely of the simple joy of being, in each moment, and of the intricate patterns of our days...

When last I posted here, in 9/03, Elijah had lived and died only weeks before. Life was raw then. We knew there were gifts to be had from those twelve days of living, but time had not yet begun to reveal anything beyond the sketchiest outline.

Jeremiah was just turned two then. I had no idea how to be the Mommy of an active, independent, bright, and strong-willed little person who was hurting as much as we were.

Now he is approaching his eighth birthday. He is active, independent, bright, and strong-willed....and a good many other things. I am still learning everyday how to be his Mom...but I've added in being his friend. The very best, mentoring, always-there-for-him friend who won't steer him wrong or let him down.

And there is Annalise Sedona....our dancing, singing, laughing little girl who suddenly seems, a few weeks before her longed-for fifth birthday, to be becoming very grown up. She is enchanting...full of wonderful little surprise packages, trailing in peacock feathers and pink frilly ribbons...she is fashionista and daredevil, amazingly articulate until she plugs two fingers in her mouth and melts into me...

Who could have guessed?


Unknown said...

My names Annalise Sedona too. I'm fourteen and just am excited to find someone with the same name.

Unknown said...

My names Annalise Sedona too. I'm fourteen and just am excited to find someone with the same name.

Shan Jeniah Burton said...

Annalise -

That is so cool, and our Annalise Sedona, who is almost 8.5 now, was really tickled to know someone with her same name.=)

We thought we made it up for husband wanted to name her Annalee, and I wanted to name her Elise, so we compromised.

Sedona, Arizona was where we had our first date, and we wanted her middle name to be special (her brother has my maiden name).

We've met a few girls with Annalise as their first or middle names, but you are the first Annalise Sedona!

Thanks for taking the time to comment! =)